Chequamegon Democrats Elect New Officers

December 13, 2024

The Chequamegon Democrats elected a slate of candidates to lead them beginning January 1, 2025. A packed house unanimously chose the slate that included:

Chair: Kathleen Adee
Vice Chair: Mike Radtke
Secretary: David Siegler
Treasurer: Maddy Kemp

All of the newly elected members of the board addressed the meeting, sharing their commitment to work on the issues that democrats champion: healthcare, schools, jobs, and protecting the environment. 

After the meeting the group enjoyed cookies and coffee brought by the members and signed nomination papers for Supreme Court Candidate Susan Crawford and State Superintendent Jill Underly.

The next meeting will be held on January 11, 2025 at the Chequamegon Democrats Resource Center in Ashland.

Kathleen Adee, Mike Radtke, David Siegler and Maddy Kemp.

Candidate Bios:

Kathleen Adee – Candidate for Chair

I’m running for Chair of the CheqDems because I believe we win with a boots on the ground game plan. Democracy works when we all participate whether it is door knocking, phone banking, financial contributions, and yes running for office ourselves.  

•I am a lifetime public school and union advocate. In 1993, Sandy Raspotnik and I started one of two public school pre-k programs in the state of Wisconsin in Washburn. I also belonged to the Washburn Education Association, my local union. I understood as a young professional educator that who we elect matters. So, I contributed to campaigns and door knocked for candidates who shared my values about public education and the needs of working families in rural Wisconsin.

•The last 17 years of my career I was an education union rep in Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. It was in Wyoming that I learned the value of organizing to build power. We lobbied the legislature to fund the schools our students, staff, and communities deserved. We didn’t have collective bargaining agreements. So if our members believed they deserved fair compensation and reasonable working conditions, we organized. Sometimes we won and sometimes we didn’t. 

•When I came back to LaCrosse, Wisconsin in 2010, my organizing experience served me well because that was the year Scott Walker blew up our state. In my region we were able to recall the Republican Senator and elect Democrats who shared our collective values. 

•Education Minnesota hired me in 2012 to continue to fight the fight until I retired in 2022. The last four months of my employment was as a Political Organizer. I worked with educator locals throughout the state to elect a teacher for Governor. WE won a trifecta that year!  

I am excited to continue to build on the solid foundation that you and the current board have laid.

Mike Radtke – Candidate for Vice Chair

•Retired from 34 years with Madeline Island Ferry Line as the Marine Operations Manager and a licensed captain. Supervised 30+ marine employees; captains, deckhands, repair and maintenance techs. 

•Currently: Member of the City of Bayfield Planning Commission

•Formerly: Member of the City of Bayfield Harbor Commission, President and board member of the Bayfield Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Madeline Island Chamber of Commerce, Board member of the Bayfield Community Education Foundation, 36 years of volunteer service with the Mt. Ashwabay, National Ski Patrol

•Highly active CheqDem member for 16 years 

•Extensive canvassing (door knocking) and phone banking experience including training of new canvassers on MiniVanfor 16 years

•Campaign sign placement, signature gathering, advocate for party values, local candidate supporter 

I’m excited to continue to build on the good work we’ve established.

Maddy Kemp – Candidate for Treasurer

Seasons Greetings fellow Dems! My name is Maddy Kemp and I am honored to be considered for the role of Treasurer within the Chequamegon Democrats. Over the past few years, I have dedicated myself to advancing the values of our organization and our shared commitment to progressive change.

•I have worked extensively with both local campaigns and in the Chequamegon Democrats, first as a Field Organizer for the 2022 Kelly Westlund for State Senate Campaign and later for the WisDems during the Judge Janet Protasiewicz Campaign, where I helped mobilize voters and strengthen grassroots support. 

•Following that campaign I joined the Chequamegon Democrats as Youth Development & Marketing Director in 2023 where I collaborated with the board and Marketing Committee to create impactful billboards and sign series seen across our counties. I have also volunteered significant time canvassing in the lead-up to both the primaries and general elections, consistently contributing to our mission whenever possible.

•With this experience, I have gained a deep understanding of the operational and strategic needs of our organization. I am eager to bring that insight to the role of Treasurer and continue to support the Chequamegon Democrats as we work toward a brighter future for our community.

David Siegler – Candidate for Secretary

I’m honored to be considered for this position with Cheqdems.

•I’m a retired attorney from the Ashland area. Positions have included representing and advising Indian tribes as the Bad River Tribal Attorney and GLIFWC Policy Analyst. 

•In the second half of my career I transitioned to municipal law, in roles such as Washburn City Attorney and Ashland City Attorney.  For many years I was also in general practice, helping regular people with everyday legal issues.  And for 33 years I was the Ashland County Family Court Commissioner. 

•I’ve held elective office as a member of the Ashland City Council (one term) and the Ashland School Board (12 years, five as president).  

•I’ve served on the executive boards—often as secretary– of several non-profit organizations, including Northwoods Women, Inc. (New Day Advocacy Center), Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, Temple Israel (Duluth), Northern Lights Services, B’nai Israel Cemetery Association, and since its founding 17 years ago, the Big Water Film Festival Committee 

•Due to a change in the judicial ethics rules starting in the early 2000’s, I was prohibited, as a Court Commissioner, from holding elective office or engaging in partisan politics. That restriction was lifted January 1 this year, 12 months after my retirement and allowed me to get involved in this year’s elections with the CheqDems

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